GFC Chimica S.r.l.

Via Marconi, 73
44100 Ferrara

Phone and FAX

Tel 0532.773742
Fax 0532.773596

Working Hours

Lun - Ven: AM 8:30/12:30
PM 13:30/17:30


Alongside the certification and research and development activities, GFC Chimica, with the aim of becoming a reference point for the science of coating, has developed a training course program for technicians in the paint and varnish sector.


Along with the activities of certification and R&D, GFC Chimica, aiming to be a center of excellence in the world of coating also acts as a training center for technicians of the paints and coatings field.

A training school is offering both base and advanced classes; all the teachers are long time experienced technicians coming from the most important companies and from the universities.